Random thoughts on what I think is wrong with the country, the Democrats, Republicans, and the world in general. Or whatever else I feel like talking about.
Published on November 10, 2004 By Psikotik In Politics
I posted an article recently about too much religion in politics and the Evangelicals wanting to push their agenda on the American people. The few people who did read it pretty much slammed me. Please check out the following article from the associated press.

Falwell plans for 'evangelical revolution'
11/9/2004, 10:43 p.m. ET
The Associated Press

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Seeking to take advantage of the momentum from an election where moral values proved important to voters, the Rev. Jerry Falwell announced Tuesday he has formed a new coalition to guide an "evangelical revolution."

Falwell, a religious broadcaster based in Lynchburg, Va., said the Faith and Values Coalition will be a "21st century resurrection of the Moral Majority," the organization he founded in 1979.

Falwell said he would serve as the coalition's national chairman for four years.

He added that the new group's mission would be to lobby for anti-abortion conservatives to fill openings on the Supreme Court and lower courts, a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, and the election of another "George Bush-type" conservative in 2008.

"We all, for the first time, began to realize the potential of religious conservatives, particularly evangelicals, when something over 30 million of them went to the polls," he said, noting most supported the president and anti-abortion candidates, and voted to approve 11 initiatives across the country banning gay marriage.

Also, a decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court allowing gay marriages "helped energize our people," Falwell said.

And when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom began performing gay marriages, it "really caught the attention of people of faith in this country, and what we have been saying could happen actually happened," he said.

"The timing could not have been better. That, along with the abortion issues and the terrorism issue, helped us to get our people awakened."

While overseeing the coalition, Falwell said he would leave day-to-day operations of Liberty University and Thomas Road Baptist Church — both of which he founded — to his sons Jerry Jr., 42, and Jonathan, 38.

Mathew Staver, founder of the conservative law group Liberty Counsel in Orlando, Fla., will be the coalition's vice chairman; Jonathan Falwell will be its executive director. Theologian Tim LaHaye will be the board chairman.

I am not trying to say they aren't allowed opinions or to express themselves, but if Christian morals start becoming laws, then the religious freedom and tolerance this country was founded on begin to disappear. It will be no different than the Church of England our forefathers came here to escape. I hate to say it, BUT I TOLD YOU SO.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 11, 2004

Messy, I didn't compare cannabalism to homosexuality, I said I would hope you wouldn't based on your statement of "if it's found in animals, it must be natural". There is a complete difference, it was a sarcastic remark that didn't fly I guess. I've just seen too many people on JU comparing homosexuality to bestiality and other less savory things. I am sorry for the insult, you didn't say this and it was uncalled for. I humbly apologize.

I understand what you mean, and I agree that just because cannibalism and homosexuality are found in animals does not mean that they can be compared as similar acts.

If you read earlier posts in this thread, I never said polygamy wasn't natural, I said it was a choice. In prehistoric times polygamy was the law of the land. The strongest mated and passed on there genes, women were attracted to those with more power Societtal morals and the ability of man to more control his environment made servival of the fittest less important. I mention nature in terms of homosexuality. I tell you what, let's call it a draw for now, I'll do some research, do a post on the science of homosexuality and then we can pick it up again from there. Truce

So, something could be natural, but also a choice? So, homosexuality could be natural, but also a choice?

on Nov 12, 2004

Dr. Guy and others, I'm not losing sleep over this, this is just sounding an alarm to be on the lookout. "The Moral Majority is coming, The Moral Majority is coming"
And Dr. Guy I had figured out your political bent from other posts too, but I won't hold it against you.

Psikotik, I hope we can come to some agreements, I also hope we dont have to fight on the same side against Falwell and Robertson.  Not because I wont, I just hope that I am in the majority of the conservatives, and not their minority.

I still think you are a libertarian!  Have you checked out Badnarik?

on Nov 12, 2004
I still think you are a libertarian! Have you checked out Badnarik?

Yes, I have checked out Badnarick and the Libertarian page just to see they're platform. Some of their stances are good - privacy, internet, drug-legalization, freedom of speech and the environment. But others are just nuts - ending ALL public assistance program (welare, food stamps, WIC, ADFC, subsidized housing, etc.), they're stance on social security, the military cuts they seem to propose and their tax programs. The government has a responsibility to help those who can't help themselves. There is no way everyone can have a job and "family, churches and others" can't support the less fortunate as they suggest should be done. That is just ludicrous.

Now before you think I'm nuts on the drug legalization, let me explain. I simply believe the war on drugs is a failure and costs to much for the limited success. The end user goes to jail (for far too long generally) far more often than the pusher and that the focus should be more on treatment.
on Nov 12, 2004
In case it helps those among you who fear a coming "evangelical revolution," I feel comfortable reassuring you that a large proportion of the conservative right turns a deaf ear to the Robertsons & Falwells when they get cranking about what they intend to do or opine about the meaning and significance of what the rest of us have done. They tend to pretend they're driving the train when they're lucky to be in the club car having tea.

Rest easy.

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