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Are they gonna disappear?
Published on March 21, 2011 By Psikotik In OS Customization

There are less and less icon packages coming out over the last 6 mos. to a year. Are they going to die out? They are one of the integral parts in putting together a good desktop. I would make them myself but I'm artistically challenged. Maybe we should have Master Icon Packages to encourage people to create some.... It seems to be working for Windowblinds.

on Mar 21, 2011

Icon packages are quite difficult to make, that is the main reason you don't see many as in the past.  Master skinners can upload just about any type of skin, so that capability is already there.


on Mar 21, 2011

I personally have quit using IconPackager. Not because I don't like it, but because I don't really need it. I don't have icons showing on my desktop, I use Objectdock, and I like to have thumbnails for most types of icons in my folders. I just don't really think much about regular icons anymore. As far as skinning goes, I'm more concerned about dock icons. Maybe this is the case for others, I don't know. Some thoughts?

on Mar 21, 2011

Some thoughts?

Oh I still use it.  I don't change them all the time but I do occasionally, I certainly have my favorites.  One thing I also like to do is go into Icon Developer and extract the 256 sizes of particular icons I really like from within a pack and use them in docks, makes for some great-looking docks.

(If Stardock would put the Dragon Icon set out for sale separately for $5 like they've done for some of their other theme icons, I'd buy it in a second, hint hint... )  

on Mar 22, 2011

Ironically, this thread has made me revisit IconPackager. I started using Fences a few days ago, so know I have icons on my desktop, and of course I had to change them.

on Mar 23, 2011

Question. Does Iconpackager do the same thing as Windowblinds after the trial version?

on Mar 23, 2011

I LOVE IconPackager!!  I change my whole computer theme about every three days.  Here's my method (in order):

1. Install new WindowBlind

2. Install new IconPackage

3. Install new CursorFX

4. Install new SoundPackage (occasionally)

5. Install new ObjectDock skin

6. Install new SysMetrix skin

7. Install new Rainlendar skin

8. Install new weather widget

9. Enjoy for several days, then rinse and repeat!!!


on Mar 24, 2011

I still use Iconpackager but as others have stated with fences hiding my icons I have not had the itch to change them much, I have been using Stardocks Encounter icon package for about the last  6-7 months.

I do check in the IP gallery every so often but IMO none of the packages coming out in the last year equal the packages I already have and use, I do change my docks icons quite frequently, whenever I switch windowblind package.


Never even thought to use Icon Developer to extract for my dock though, Facepalm.